Oregon’s Clean Fuels Program can help families and businesses save big bucks by expanding fuel choices to cleaner, affordable fuel options. WATCH: Eugene mom, Shanna, describes how cleaner fuel options could benefit her family. With three sons playing sports all over the state, her fuel bill is something she takes very seriously. She tells us […]
Clean Fuels could replace 25% of oil consumption
According to a new study from ICCT and E4Tech, there is ample supple of clean fuels along the entire West Coast. In fact, clean fuel alternatives could reduce gasoline and diesel use in the Pacific Coast region by around 400,000 barrels per day by 2030. This is about one-quarter of on-road fuel consumption. See the fact sheet on […]
Business, Labor support Oregon Clean Fuels Program
Great news out of the Governor’s office: Today the Clean Fuels Advisory Committee is calling for the reauthorization of Oregon’s Clean Fuels Program, citing its potential to create jobs, position the state as a leader in alternative fuel production, and save Oregonians more than a $1 billion in fuel costs. NEWS RELEASE February 2, 2015 Media […]
Oregonian gets it wrong on Clean Fuels Program
Oregon’s Clean Fuels Program is a worthwhile investment – it’s good for our economy and jobs, reduces pollution for cleaner air and healthier communities, and provides cleaner, more affordable fuel options and choices for us all. It’s no wonder that Oregonians from all around the state, as well as hundreds of businesses and organizations, have signed on to support the program. […]
Time to expand freedom of choice to options at the pump
Shannon Baker-Branstetter, Consumers Union, wrote in to the Statesman Journal to weigh in on Oregon’s Clean Fuels Program. Consumers Union has been helping consumers make smart, practical buying decisions, assessing total value and worth. For their group, Oregon’s Clean Fuels Program is a win, given the diversification of fuel options including lower-cost and cleaner fuel […]
DEQ hears diverse support for clean fuels
The Oregon Environmental Quality Commission hosted two public hearings on Oregon’s Clean Fuels Program in November, and the strong support for the program was heard loud and clear. Highlights from the hearings: “Our members need jobs. Currently in the State we have no oil refineries. Consequently all the money our members spend on fuel goes out […]