Fred Meyer Leads As One of First Businesses to Join Clean Fuels

“You’ll find it at Fred Meyer” – that’s the motto practically every Oregonian knows. Founded in 1922 in Portland, Fred Meyer is known as a pioneer of the “one stop shopping concept.” And now they’ve done it again – leading the way as one of the first businesses to join the Oregon Clean Fuels Standard.  […]

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Oregon Startup Nabs $3M to Expand Clean Fuels Infrastructure

It’s a good day for clean fuels! Below the Portland Business Journal details how a Central Oregon-based company is working to make clean fuels infrastructure more readily available: “An Oregon manufacturer of compressed natural gas systems for car and truck engines has received $3 million from federal and private sources. Onboard Dynamics Inc.’s most recent […]

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Oil industry drops fight over Oregon’s Clean Fuels Standard

This article was originally published March 31 in Sustainable Business Oregon, a digital newsletter by the Portland Business Journal. Oregon is the first state in the nation to have legislatively adopted and now defended a clean fuels program. Even more exciting – Oregon is part of a west coast block stretching from California to British […]

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