NW Natural: Expanding our Fuel Infrastructure

NW Natural and dozens of other businesses convened in Eugene last week, to celebrate the launch of Oregon’s first public natural gas fueling station. With the opening, Oregon adds natural gas to the list of fuel options available to Oregonians and our burgeoning clean fuel vehicle industry.

Gregg Kantor, CEO of NW Natural, shared the incredible story of how this opening allowed his natural gas vehicle to make its longest drive in Oregon yet:

I’ll tell you I came down from Portland this morning in our natural gas vehicle there — it’s painted in blue with a cow on the back of it. It’s the first time this vehicle has been this far south. And hopefully I’m going to get a recharge, a little bit of fuel, so I can get back to Portland this afternoon. But it would not have been possible to do this without John, his facility, and his vision.

Of course this vision is about more than one fueling station: It’s about building out the system across the state, to provide all Oregon drivers real choices about the fuel they use to power their transportation lifestyles.

Oregon’s Clean Fuels Program is designed to do exactly this. By expanding our fuel market to cleaner alternative fuels, Oregon can support in-state economic development and jobs, reduce fuel costs, and clean our air. But before our program is even firmly established, it already faces threats to end it.

Oregon’s Clean Fuels Program has a 2015 sunset, which could halt the program in its tracks. The Oregon Legislature faces a critical choice: Re-authorize the program, enabling businesses to invest in clean fuels at home for our economy, fuel choices, and public health. Or break a promise to clean fuel producers and Oregon consumers.

Learn more and get involved: www.cleanfuelswork.com


Want to fill up at the new natural gas fueling station? It’s located at: 65 N Seneca Rd, Eugene Oregon


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