Labor Commissioner Avakian: Renew Oregon’s Clean Fuels Program!

Last week, the first public natural gas fueling station opened in Oregon. Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian, long-time champion for cleaner fuels and cleaner air, spoke about the opportunities clean fuel alternatives bring to the state. Not only do alternative fuel options clean our air for public health, it also means opening the market to choice at the pump and supporting in-state business development and job opportunities.

Avakian was clear that that while this public station was a great start, the state needed to take the next step and renew Oregon’s Clean Fuels Program.

Check it out:

An investment like that is about taking the long view and putting significant resources into a vision for a stronger transportation future for Oregon. John and his family are pioneering an approach that really holds great potential for our state and its ability to meet our energy demands with cleaner burning, lower cost sources of fuel . Oregon should follow John’s lead and next year re-authorize our state’s Clean Fuels Program. [applause.] In doing so, we’ll create a path for a cleaner fuel technology and infrastructure, while supporting business development, jobs, and cleaner air for our state.

Learn more:


Want to fill up at the new natural gas fueling station? It’s located at: 65 N Seneca Rd, Eugene Oregon


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