Lawmakers should extend clean fuels program next year

Did you catch the op-ed from Harrison Pettit, Vice President of PacificAg, in the Oregonian? Harrison strikes at an ever-important component of the Clean Fuels Program: Homegrown jobs.

“It’s no secret that Oregon needs jobs — family wage jobs, jobs with benefits, rural jobs, blue-collar jobs and white collar jobs. Oregon does not have the fossil fuel industries… [and] we don’t have oil refineries, like Washington and California. Instead, Oregon exports nearly all of its fuel dollars, boosting the economies of other states and countries.

What Oregon does have is the potential to lead the development of advanced biofuels, electric vehicles, natural gas, propane and other alternative fuels and create a homegrown industry that captures a portion of the billions we spend on gasoline every year.”

Companies like PacificAg are ready to take Oregon to the next level, but need the regulatory certainty of the Clean Fuels Program to make further investments in Oregon. The expansion of clean fuel businesses means more fuel options for all of us — saving us dollars and giving Oregonians choice at the pump.

Read the full article via the Oregonian for more on Oregon’s Clean Fuels Program and how PacificAg and other companies are ready to pave way for Oregon’s burgeoning clean jobs market.


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