Oregon’s Clean Fuels Program can help families and businesses save big bucks by expanding fuel choices to cleaner, affordable fuel options. WATCH: Eugene mom, Shanna, describes how cleaner fuel options could benefit her family. With three sons playing sports all over the state, her fuel bill is something she takes very seriously. She tells us […]
Clean Fuels could replace 25% of oil consumption
According to a new study from ICCT and E4Tech, there is ample supple of clean fuels along the entire West Coast. In fact, clean fuel alternatives could reduce gasoline and diesel use in the Pacific Coast region by around 400,000 barrels per day by 2030. This is about one-quarter of on-road fuel consumption. See the fact sheet on […]
Business, Labor support Oregon Clean Fuels Program
Great news out of the Governor’s office: Today the Clean Fuels Advisory Committee is calling for the reauthorization of Oregon’s Clean Fuels Program, citing its potential to create jobs, position the state as a leader in alternative fuel production, and save Oregonians more than a $1 billion in fuel costs. NEWS RELEASE February 2, 2015 Media […]
Oregon businesses, public health organizations, and consumer groups call for action on Clean Fuels
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Job creation, clean air, fuel choice top reasons to support Clean Fuels Program (Portland) Oregonians will benefit from new jobs and investment, reduced air pollution, cleaner air, and cheaper fuel options with full implementation of the state’s Clean Fuels Program in January, according to Oregon businesses, public health and consumer groups testifying […]
Lawmakers should extend clean fuels program next year
Did you catch the op-ed from Harrison Pettit, Vice President of PacificAg, in the Oregonian? Harrison strikes at an ever-important component of the Clean Fuels Program: Homegrown jobs. “It’s no secret that Oregon needs jobs — family wage jobs, jobs with benefits, rural jobs, blue-collar jobs and white collar jobs. Oregon does not have the fossil […]
NW Natural: Expanding our Fuel Infrastructure
NW Natural and dozens of other businesses convened in Eugene last week, to celebrate the launch of Oregon’s first public natural gas fueling station. With the opening, Oregon adds natural gas to the list of fuel options available to Oregonians and our burgeoning clean fuel vehicle industry. Gregg Kantor, CEO of NW Natural, shared the incredible […]